Glocal Friendship Association

Beyond border
Beyond nationalism

Happiness to the future
After starting the afforestation project we have been visited India every year, discussed with villagers, pleased with growth of trees and forest,
deepened interaction. We feel the rural village of India seem to be very close, it is exactly the landscape of Japanese rural village several decade ago. As race and religion are different we feel India like a distant country, but Japan and India are belong to the same area as Asia, and it seems that we have been bonded in deep karma from ancient time.
We shall inherit the heart of Prime Minister Nehru embraced in an elephant, devoted for the peace of Asia and all over the world, continue to interact, keep, deepen our relationship and friendship with Indian people with whom we had made by afforestation, and learn each other, create the better culture of lifestyle.
Furthermore, we believe to develop our friendship and relationship which is beyond border, religion, culture, through interacting and understanding
each other with the people, as a partner and as same human being who live our present, whom we can have some connection and relation in all
the country and region.
When we are asked why support afforestation in India, I explain to the people as follows; One is India is the place where Buddhism was born and it is felt as hometown for Japanese, so it is appreciation to hometown. And another one it is appreciation for the gift, that is a elephant named Indira, which had be presented by Prime Minister Nehru, and it had encouraged Japanese very much just after World War Ⅱ.
This story and concept was accepted easily by Indian people.
In 2006, actually a group of 16 elephants appeared in Plantation area.
We, in felissimo and Kyoto forum, have been working and Greening with participation by local villagers in 3 states of India,West bengal, Jharkand and Odisha with T.S.R.D from 1993. Number of planted trees are more than 43million, area is about 239k㎡.
As the trees which they planted and protected themselves grow up and become the forest, people began to feel confident and the quality of life has improved. The villagers also were brought up by trees and forest.
We have got a lot of learning through the experience of plantation in India for 25 years. Every year, we have been visited in India, discussed with the villagers, deepened interaction, watched the growth of the trees in many village. We want to share this learning with more people. We hope that
many people visit the local villages. We established the friendship association from such wish.

Number of planted trees is 43million
Area is 239k㎡
Elephants returning